Kavita has obtained her education from Gemological Institute of America Carlsbad California. USA .She is a graduate in Jewelry Design and holds A Graduate Diploma in Merchandising and Graduate Diploma in Jewelry Business Principles from GIA School of Business.
Kavita Vaghani (director) herself designs the core product range that continually evolves, as well as custom making for individual customers. Everything is hand made.
Unlike many jewelry designers today who merely assemble cast or bought components, every piece of kavita’s jewelry is individually hand-crafted, allowing her designs to be of a uniqueness and style not found in those that are mass-produced. Metal designs are fabricated piece by piece--hand-cut, hammered, and forged--not cast in bulk. Diamonds and gem Stones are selected not just for their beauty and quality; the role each will play in its piece is also carefully considered. Textures applied; completed pieces lovingly polished. All to create a look that is stylish, artistic, and classically modern.